Our Vision of Upcycling
We strive to upcycle existing materials and recycle natural, plastic-free materials like cotton to reduce our environmental impact.
Recycling or upcycling allows us to lengthen the life of textiles that have already been produced, drastically reducing water consumption and CO2 emissions while taking advantage of quality materials.

Recycled cotton:

Upcycled denim

Upcycled nylon:
Nylon is a very light, rugged, waterproof material derived from plastic. Upcycling these kinds of materials is currently the best way to limit their environmental impact.

Industry overstocks:

An Innovative socially-responsible production model
At the center of our model you'll find our “Dudes” (a pun on Durable and Desirable), experienced designers once facing job insecurity. We lent a hand to get them back on track because we believe in empowerment through work.
These designers had given up on working regularly because finding transportation to downtown areas, where the factories are located, is so difficult. We came up with a different model. Now we go to them, bringing the work to their neighborhoods so they don't have to commute.
Des emballages 0 plastique
C’est un engagement fort depuis le début chez RiveDroite.
Chez nous, pas de polybags en plastique ni papier de soie : nos sacs sont emballés avec soin dans des pochettes en coton réutilisables.
Pour les commandes e-commerce, nous utilisons des emballages en carton recyclé, adaptés à la taille des produits, qui sont 100% recyclables. Le scotch utilisé pour fermer les colis est constitué d'une colle à base de fécule de maïs pour éviter les produits chimiques.